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PONTEIO is a publishing company devoted primarily to the promotion of Brazilian concert music. The motivation for the founding of the company was the realization that this rich and varied repertoire has not been adequately served by the publishing industry.


We are committed to redressing the balance by making available to performers and audiences worldwide a substantial selection of works by some of the most representative Brazilian composers. The name of the company was chosen as an homage to Camargo Guarnieri and refers to a musical genre in the manner of a prelude, written mostly for piano, and that reached its most consumate expression in Guarnieri’s collections of Ponteios for the piano.


The evolution of Brazilian concert music, although strongly influenced by the country’s highly distinctive folk tradition, presents a remarkably diverse panorama in which a variety of stylistic features interact.


Since the end of the 19th century, following on the footsteps of the first generation of nationalist composers, successive generations have absorbed the influences derived from the European avant-garde movements and combined them with Brazil’s varied musical idioms to create an art of exceptional vitality. Much of this rich repertoire remains unexplored by performers, in part because of the unavailability of reliable editions. The founding of PONTEIO represents a decisive step toward closing this gap.

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